Sunday, January 17, 2010

Did you know that girls don't work?

The kids and I are in the car, yes - our new teal greenish-blue minivan has arrived.  Anywho, we are in the car and as usual, the kids are arguing over something.  Maybe this is all new to me because I was an only child, so I guess I really didn't have anyone to argue with.  Well, except my mother...ugh.  So, the kids are arguing and Lexi tells Daniel that girls go to dance class and boys go to work.  Hmm.  Wonder where she got her information, cuz that sure ain't the sitcheashun at home.  (And in case you are wondering, neither Dan nor myself go to dance class - just thought I should clear that up.)

I tried dance class with Lexi when she was just about 3 years old and 1 week.  Didn't go over too hot.  She stood in the corner with her hands in her mouth and only acknowledged the teacher when she got out the candy at the end of class.  She would look at herself in the mirror, act like she wasn't watching the other girls and only when no one was watching, she would kinda-sorta try out the moves they had just learned.  We went 4 weeks a row I think.  I was not very impressed with this dance school, but it had rave reviews so we decided to give it a shot.  We stopped going after the teacher was a no-show and no one (including the owner) knew what was going on.  Oh well, live and learn. 

It just so happens that Dan's previous employer happened to be in the same strip mall as her dance class.  And it just so happens that we pass said strip mall every day on the way to work/babysitters.  I am guessing since she is a girl and she went to dance class and since Dan is a boy and he went to work, this is where her theory came from.  The only weird part is that dance was back in August and Dan hasn't worked in over 2 months.  I gotta find out where this fairy tale world is in which girls go to dance class and boys go to work.  Wouldn't that be nice?

Well, the Benadryl is kicking in...I better call it a night.

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